Thursday, July 10, 2008


Well, it has been brought to my attention that it is time to blog. The fact that this is the main reason why I am getting around to it at this moment suggests that this post does not have very much promise. But we'll see what I can come up with. At this point, it is a mystery even to me. Mysteries aren't all bad. They can be pretty good. Like Nancy Drew for example (great movie by the way, especially if you have amazing sisters and sister's friends like I do).

If you could be any animal, which animal would you choose to be and why? This is a question I used to ask people when I was in youth group to "break the ice". I always used to say that I would be a gorilla because then I could have hairy legs and not have to apologize for them. I don't know if I am a very good ice breaker. I sometimes try to talk to a person when I first meet them and I don't want them to feel awkward so I just talk and talk and talk and I get a little nervous so I don't talk as smoothly as I like to think is normal for me and then I finally let them speak, and when the "conversation" is done I feel foolish and wish I was one of those people who just didn't care if I didn't strike up conversation with a new person in the room. Anyways, to answer my own question, if I could be any animal, I would perhaps choose to be a blue whale. I actually probably wouldn't, but saying that gives me the opportunity to disclose a couple interesting facts I just learned. Did you know that baby blue whales gain a ton of weight every month when they are growing? And not "a ton" meaning "lots", but a real ton as in 2000 pounds (by the way I just looked up what a ton was in pounds because I didn't know. I'm Canadian, okay? We talk in tonnes, which I did know are 1000 kilograms. And while I'm at it, that means that a tonne is bigger than a ton, so if you ever feel like being difficult when someone says the word ton/ne you can ask them to clarify the spelling so you know what they mean). Crazy. Also, an adult blue whale's heart weighs 1000 pounds (or should I say, half a ton). Just think about that for a second. The heart of a blue whale is the size of like 7 grown adults. I love God. And biology.

Are you getting the idea that I'm kind of just writing down whatever comes to my mind that will take up space? Well, that's what I'm doing. Hmmm, maybe I will ask another question and then answer it in another poorly constructed paragraph. Oh, here's a good one. If you had to work a week of 10 hour days, which 10 hours would you choose them to be? Now, I have a little bit of an educated opinion on this one, because of all the possible answers, I have actually tested 2 of them. I would have to say that if I could choose when to work a 10 hour shift, it would start at 4 pm and go till 2 am. That is how I am feeling right now at least. This week I am working from 5 pm and 3 am, and it is almost great. It is a lot closer to what my body wants to do than when I work 7 am to 5 pm. If you work till 2, you get to bed by 3 and you sleep till 10. Then you have a good 5 hours in the nicest part of the day to relax and hang out with people before getting ready for work at 3. Yes, that would be great, don't you think? I think. Okay, I don't think this topic is really intersting for anyone anymore, including me.

That is all. Sorry if it left you hungering for more. I will try to have a more organized post that actually has a point in the near future.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

The heart of a blue whale weighs 1000 pounds???? That is crazy. Thanks for informing me. I will now try to work that into any and every conversation I have with people from now until the end of time. Okay, well we'll see, but I hope I at least tell a few people because that is super super intriguing.

Oh, btw, yes I did just use shorthand for "by the way", that picture of mom and Andy is amazing.