Friday, August 22, 2008

"American culture presents women as sexually available anywhere, anytime. If you look at fashion, literature, advertising, and entertainment, you see what some experts call the 'pornification' of culture."

"[Sexually toxic material] is so mainstream now, most people think, Whatever. Once people start accepting sexual images in daily life, they're not as shocked to encounter more explicit images in hard-core porn."

"Pornography fuels prostitution - and prostitution fuels sex trafficking."

"Pornography creates an environment that objectifies women."

"The average age for male exposure to porn is 11... such material conditions young boys - and males of all ages - who view it to think that this is normal human sexuality, that women enjoy being degraded."

"If men stopped buying sex today, women wouldn't be trafficked tomorrow. The equation is simple."

"I'm not going to revolutionize the state of American grocery stores. I need thousands of women across the country going to their grocery stores and saying, 'I find these magazines disgusting. I feel violated at my own grocery store. Please remove this material.' This effort takes time and energy. But surely some fed-up women will find the time to make a polite fuss at their local convenience stores."

"Just as this hypersexualized culture enslaves men to lust, it also deceives women into thinking only sexual appeal insures significance or desirability. Even if women aren't on the street selling sex, these trends still impact how women feel about themselves. American women today base much of their self-worth on how sexually attractive they think they are. When women wake up to what culture's doing to their husbands, children, and themselves, hopefully they'll take action."

- Excerpts from "Pornification Nation" in the May/June 2008 issue of "Today's Christian Woman"

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