Sunday, November 30, 2008

Trying to be Good

I am not a very nice person. I'd like to be a nice person. I try really hard to be a nice person. I do okay for about 10 minutes. Then I say something mean or inconsiderate to someone that I love, and I realize once again that I am not a very nice person. When I come to this realization, I get really frustrated, and kind of guilty. And then I get determined to try harder the next time so I can succeed at being good. Which of course I can't do.

But why do I want to be good? I have been thinking about this lately, and I have come to the conclusion that most of the time, even though I wouldn't say it out loud, I am trying to be good because I want to earn God's forgiveness. I want to be good so that I will deserve God's blessing. Well that is clearly foolishness, and yet that is what is going on subconsciously in my head I think. I've been reading Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller lately, and his chapter on grace is really really good I think:

"I would hear about grace, read about grace, and even sing about grace, but accepting grace is an action I could not understand. It seemed wrong to me not to have to pay for my sin, not to feel guilty about it or kick myself around. More than that, grace did not seem like the thing I was looking for. It was too easy. I wanted to feel as though I earned my forgiveness, as though God and I were buddies doing favors for each other."

And yet where does that get me, this earning of my forgiveness? Well, every time I set out to do it, I wind up in that same place - kicking myself at my inability to live rightly. This all starts to feel very hopeless. Until we remember that the whole point of Jesus dying in the first place was that he knew we couldn't earn his forgiveness, and that we desperately needed his help. And that's what grace is. Should we go on sinning then, so that grace can increase all the more? "By no means!" to borrow the words of Paul. And yet until we get it through our heads that this being good isn't our ticket to heaven, we aren't really accepting the beautiful gift that has been offered us.

So what is going to change us?

"Our 'behavior' will not be changed long with self-discipline, but fall in love and a human will accomplish what he never thought possible. The laziest of men will swim the English channel to win his woman... By accepting God's love for us, we fall in love with him, and only then do we have the fuel we need to obey. In exchange for our humility and willingness to accept the charity of God, we are given a kingdom. And a beggar's kingdom is better than a proud man's delusion."

Monday, November 17, 2008

Fun Fact!

Did you know that a group of clownfish is called a harem? And if that wasn't wonderful enough, did you know that in a harem of clownfish there is only one female, and that when that female dies, the biggest male changes sex and becomes a female? It is called "sequential hermaphoditism." I did know that once upon a time, and I learned it again today in my procrastination. Amazing the things you can learn when you are putting off learning other things!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It is pretty scary to think that God puts his reputation in the hands of a bunch of imperfect humans that are really good at messing things up. I do my best to love the people around me and show them Jesus, yet I know that I fail. I say things that are judgmental, careless, and unloving. And yet God lets people like me be his representatives in this world. Yikes. It makes me feel very small and incapable. I have some very dear and wise friends who reminded me this weekend that if we are humble and start the day off asking God to glorify his name through us and not our own, then he will use us to speak his words and do his will. It is amazing what God can do witha bunch of failures. This song gives me hope.

Little is Much

What is the measure of a life well lived
If all I can offer seems too small to give?
This is a song for the weaker, the poorer
And so-called failures

Little is much when God's in it
And no one can fathom the plans he holds
Little is much when God's in it
He changes the world with the seeds we sow
Little is much, little is much

Who feels tired and underqualified?
Who feels deserted and hung out to dry?
This is a song for the broken, the beat up
And so-called losers

Little is much when God's in it
And no one can fathom the plans he holds
Little is much when God's in it
He changes the world with the seeds we sow
Little is much, little is much

Consider a kingdom in the smallest seed
Consider that giants fell to stones and slings
Consider a child in a manger
Consider the story isn't over


Friday, November 7, 2008

So Happy

I am so happy right now because:
1) It is Friday
2) Midterms are done
3) Alisha is getting here in 2 hours
4) I have made wonderful friends at the University
5) I am eating Thai food on Sunday
6) I am listening to Christmas music as of November 1st, including my amazing new Sheree Plett Christmas album
7) It is snowing so now my Christmas music sounds less out of place
8) I have no labs next week = 6 more hours to do other things
9) My Human Physiology prof turns out not to be a jerk
10) I found my mitts