Saturday, September 27, 2008

On Change

Life is so crazy. One minute you are confident in your position - your relationships, your future, your emotions and thoughts. The next minute, you are thrown into chaos, as you are forced to question things you thought you knew, as your security blankets are snatched away one by one. Life likes to change faces every now and then. Not so much a sudden change, more like a continual morphing into something new. It keeps changing as I change. Or maybe I keep changing to keep pace. Sometimes I feel like I am out of breath, like I can't keep up with all the change. Sometimes I wish the change could speed up, that it would get me through a stage a little faster. I was looking back through my journal tonight, and I saw some random lines I had scrawled out in the middle of an entry a while ago:

Time is a bossy friend
Never obeying, always dictating
Doing things its own way

I think that there is a lesson that I need to keep learning about conceding to change. Fighting it only makes me impatient or nostalgic or some other unpleasant thing. I think the most enjoyable and effective life is one that is lived in an embrace with change.

I'd love it if I had more to say, but I really don't.

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